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How to use Make-Up



Most eyes need a subtle definition which the eyeliner provides. This thin line is drawn at the base of the upper and lower lashes, and makes them appear thicker. Liner emphasizes the shape of the eyes and intensifies eye color. Start at the inner edge of the lashes; draw a line to the end of the outer one.


It gives the illusion of thicker, longer lashes. Eyelashes tend to have little or no color at the tips and even if long, they are almost invisible as a consequence. Mascara corrects this flaw. It makes the lashes look thicker and also keeps each one separate. Brush the mascara on to the lashes with short quick strokes. Make sure one coat dries before you apply the other.


It accentuates the mouth and softens and guards the lips against dryness. The lips are the most sensitive to wind, sun and extremes of temperature. Constant exposure to a harsh environment can cause the lips to dry and lipstick with the brush several times with a lip brush. First, stroke the lipstick with the brush several times to get plenty of color on it. Begin at the center of the upper lip and draw a line to the outer corner of the mouth on both sides. Outline the longer lip with the brush the same way. Fill in the rest. You can also draw the outline of the lips with a lip pencil and then fill in with the lipstick. Alternatively, you can apply the lipstick directly, but one must make sure it is evenly applied.
When choosing lipstick, but shades which will be flattering to you. Dark people should never go in for light body pinks, dark reds or coffee/ chocolate shades. A rose color or a light red would look better. Those with a pale complexion can wear pink in the morning and a dark coffee, maroon or chocolate shade at night.

Make Your Eyes Look Bigger

Take to small the tank lines accompanied by a light-reflective pinkish-cream pad (along the lines of Reap some benefits Big Brow), of which expands the appearance from central big eyes, in place of charcoal, which commonly tight these products through. As opposed to whatever it could seem, each leading eyes will be end goal, artificial lashes are able to weighing truck tops downwards. To optimize all millimeter from eyeball section, Nicki Minaj's longtime cosmetic pro player Joyce Bonelli curls lashes best suited from the heart, making your 70-degree approach.

There is a method to make-up. Don’t dab color all over your face-you’ll just look like a painted doll. Don’t plaster the foundation on in a misguided attempt to lighter your complexion-you’ll just look like you’ve been whitewashed. Too much powder will dry the skin and ruin it. We often take absurd steps to appear fairer than we are.


Make-up beings with it. A liquid foundation is the perfect complement to a clean , fresh skin. A water-based formula is best for the skin, keeping it supple and moist. Foundation shields the skin from pollutants, while allowing it to breathe.Try to use a foundation with a sun-screen. This will protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s ultra-violet rays and prevent tanning. There are two basic guidelines for choosing from various foundation shades. If your skin has a  golden glow use a rose tone. For a pinkish skin, cool beige hues look best. To determine which shade suits you, use your forehead for a patch test and not your wrist. Having made your choice apply it properly, in this way: Dot a small amount on the cheeks, chin, forehead and rose. Gently smooth with outward strokes and blend. The complexion will acquire a soft, even look. Remember to apply foundation to your neck too. Else, it will look a different color form your face. You should also use a darker shade of foundation to create shadows, which will camouflage facial defects. Smooth on dark foundation just beneath the cheek bones to make plump cheeks look less chubby. Always blend it in. If your forehead is too wide or too high, blend in the darker foundation near the hair line. To make a long face look less so, use the dark foundation across the forehead to the tip of the chin, Also blend it along the jaw line, to make the face seem more diamond-shaped. The jaw line will not seem so sharp then. If not happy with a too-wide nose, highlight the center and use the dark foundation on the sides of the nose. If your nose is too aquiline, use a little dark foundation around the nostrils and under the tip. When applying make-up, it is also wise to do it by light which approximates where you’re going. If you go out in the sun, apply make-up where you’re going. If you go out in the sun, apply make-up where there is natural light. At night, when you are under artificial lights, apply make-up accordingly. 



 It gives the cheeks the color they would be if you blush. A youthful complexion looks warm and glowing and can be enhanced with blusher. It gives a healthy outdoors look. Apply it from cheekbone level to the hairline. Pucker your lips as if about to whistle. The cheekbones will become prominent- use as guidelines to stroke the blusher on gently. To emphasis the cheekbones lightly spread out over the edges. Never apply blusher on the center of your cheeks. Nothing looks more absurd than two pink balls in the middle of the cheek. If you have a rosy complexion, use pink blusher. If your complexion, use pink blusher. If your complexion is golden, use a darker shade, like coral. Do not wear blusher too dark. Always blend it in.


As they frame the face, they can make you look sad, happy or surprised. Correctly shaped eyebrows can maintain the balance of the face. A little change in your eyebrow can make wide-set eyes seem closer together and close set eyes further apart. If, for instance, you think your eyes are too close to each other, start emphasizing the bowline a little away from the nose. If your eyes are too large, paint your eyelids in soft colors –the eyes will look smaller. To make deep-set eyes prominent, use bright colors to draw special attention to your eyes. Really arch the eyebrow. If you want to look wide-eyed and vulnerable, brush your eye brows up. Make the short hair point to your forehead. To make sure they stay that way for a while, touch them up with a dab of Vaseline. To ‘do’ your brows generally, keep the width from the beginning of the brow to the arch (the highest point) the same, then taper off towards the hairline. The narrow ends should be no longer than the eye sockets. Once your eyebrows are of the correct shape, you only need to fill them in and extend them a bit. To do this, use a tapered brush, or an eyebrow pencil. Stroke over lightly. Brush your brows, using short, upward   strokes.

Eye shadow:

If draws flattering attention to the eyes. Eye shadow is available in both matte and frost shades. Matte is for daytime and clothing, the time of the day, the color of your eyes, etc. As a general rule, put more color at the base of the lashes and lighten it as you reach the brow bone. Eye shadow should be applied with a foam tip applicator and stroked over the eyelid with a light sweeping motion, extending the color outwards.



 Most of us think of our skins as only something to wash or to fret over whenever we find an irritating wrinkle. How much time do you spend taking care of it? You take it for granted – and that is the surest way to destroy a thing. Or desperately, but without knowing how, we try to preserve its softness and pristine beauty, covering up tell-tale signs of neglect like pimply elbows and crow’s feet. We liberally apply powder and assorted body lotions as a camouflage. To most of us, the skin is only what we see and we wonder why it lets us down. But it is you who is responsible for the way your skin looks. Like our heart, kidneys and lungs, the skin also needs careful looking after. If only the link between a good diet and a good skin were more obvious. What we eat directly affects everything from the way the stomach feels immediately after, to the shine in your hair and a glowing skin. The role of the skin in maintaining the body’s health and beauty can never be overstated. Apart from covering the bony and muscular structure of the body, the skin controls body temperature. It is a protective sheath. And, it is of course the essence of female beauty. So a healthy, glowing skin is absolutely essential if you want to look good. 

The biggest threat to a beautiful skin is neglect – both from the inside and out. One must have a proper diet, provide protective care to the skin, use cosmetics judiciously and exercise to blood circulation and keep the skin taut and firm. Exercise also speeds up the delivery of nutrients, while an improved circulation carries away the toxins faster. Plenty of rest and relaxation is also needed. Tension takes away from one’s natural and youthful good looks. When you give yourself a break your skin will immediately reflect it.


A special tip:
Apply a cream blush under the powder blusher. This will set the latter properly. It will stay longer too

There is a method to make-up. Don’t dab color all over your face-you’ll just look like a painted doll. 

Don’t plaster the foundation on in a misguided attempt to lighter your complexion-you’ll just look 
like you’ve been whitewashed. Too much powder.................................................more

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