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Spot Reduction Exercises

Exercise can be fan. You can exercise wearing a leotard or in something stretchable.You could also wear a loose salwar kurta.

Upper arms and Breasts

Join your hands together as if doing Namaste.Raise your elbows to shoulder height. Now press your hands hard against each other,count to 10 and then relax. This will firm up your upper arms and breasts.




Lie on a bench. Take weights or dumbbells equaling about 2.5 kg or 5 1b. Lift the weights above your head with arms extended, bounce three times and bring back to abdomen level. Inhale while lifting the weights and exhale while lowering them. Start with doing this 20 times. This is the most effective exercise the stomach or the abdomen.



Extend your arms, holding a scarf over your head. Balance one foot on the other knee. Stand like this till you count to 10. Repeat with the other foot. An excellent exercise for correcting posture.




 Hold the scarf in both hands behind your back, extending the arms as much as possible behind you. Count to 10. This  good for the back. You can also try putting a curtain rod and sit for 15 minutes.


Hold the scarf over your head. Extend your arms as much as possible. Bend to one side, count to 10, return to original position. Repeat with other side. This helps reduce the waist. You could also use dumbbells instead of a scarf.

Hips/ Thighs/Back

The donkey kick is perhaps the best exercise for the hips, thighs and back. Get on to your hand knees. Tuck your head. Do this at least 10 times. Repeat with other leg. 


Stand straight with the legs apart. Stretch out your left hand. Lurch left with the left knee bent. Count 10. Return to original position. Repeat with the right leg. This helps Strengthen the knees, especially if one has arthritis.

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