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Hands and feet

How to take care of Hands and feet

Ashamed of your hands and feet? Are they hard as stone, and discolored? If you have do housework, which is abusive to your hands, wear gloves. Get a pair of close-fitting surgical gloves(rubber gloves are awfully cumbersome) and wear them when you........

Hands and feet:
Ashamed of your hands and feet? Are they hard as stone, and discolored? If you have do housework, which is abusive to your hands, wear gloves. Get a pair of close-fitting surgical gloves(rubber gloves are awfully cumbersome) and wear them when you do housework. Housework is the number one enemy of your hands, but if you have to do it, it’s best to try and get by with the least damage.
A manicure is very essential too. Make it a point to go to a professional manicurist once in 10 days and while there, concentrate on what he or she is doing , so you can do the same thing at home. 
Your nails need more frequent attention. To begin with, don’t clip them to a point. Not only do they look ugly and are lethal in case of an accident, but it weakens the nails  themselves. Cut them straight across, but allow them to grow to only a reasonable length. Long nails, contrary to popular belief, look witchy, not beautiful. If you want them to grow fast, be sure to have enough multivitamins and minerals.  

There’s more to nail care than these basic rules. Once in three months or so, heat a small bowl of olive (or vitaminised ) oil and dip your fingers in it for about 15 minutes. This will soften the skin and nourish the cuticles.

Sometimes, smear your hands and nails with skin lotion, olive and almond oil, sheath them in cotton gloves and go to bed. When you wake up the in the morning, your hands will look and feel great, after you’ve washed them of course.

Keep your nails more or less the same length. They look nicer.  An old-fashioned remedy: Push back the cuticles whenever you’re washing your hands.

While looking after your hands, don’t forget the feet. They’re equally important. Visit a chiropodist regularly which means at least once a month. He’ll give you a pedicure and you’ll feel less self-conscious about taking your sandals off in public.
Don’t look down on the pumice stone as old-fashioned. It may be so but it does rub off the dead skin, leaving your feet smoother. Clean your feet with a pumice stone and the toe nails with a nailbrush. It’ll hurt but it’s wise to penetrate the sensitive area just beneath your nails. You’ll find an incredible amount of filth there. When you use body lotion, don’t  forget the heels and the soles of your feet.

They get dry easily and need the lotion as much as the face.

Put almond oil on your feet. Wipe off excess oil with a towel and go to sleep.

Also, mix two tablespoons  glycerine with four tablespoons rose water. Add one teaspoon lemon juice to it. Massage your feet with the mixture just before you go to sleep. This is particularly effective in winter.

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