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Everybody Should Weight Lose (Diet) With Tea and Lemon

Want you Lose weight (Diet) with tea and Lemon?

Everyone wants to lose weight. A pile of many women crave recommended body weight. and more difficult to find. If you want girls components and / or burning fat load tablet was essentially to choose prohibitively expensive. not to mention the side effects of drugs that are not good for health reasons.

not abruptly by burning fat is a less serious process mention the price does not have to give. for example, the use of green tea are mixed with orange above foundation.

Delivery time for some drugs combined in the same neighborhood, not to mention the process of damage, neutralize unwanted weight normally present unhealthy body unused. which may be sufficient in practice.
Why not make an effort in your home is not a purpose is not to mention the side effects.
to fight against the disease green tea - - Green tea for weight loss best results from green tea itself - Who should avoid green tea: Summary

Only a few natural substances are the same as the benefits of combined performance of green tea and lemon. Green tea has been shown to increase the body's metabolism and the fight against the disease. And when combined with True Lemon Green tea force increases considerably.
Green Tea and Weight Loss
In studies, the deceased, three to five cups a day for three months drank 4.6 percent of their body weight. Other research shows drinking two to four cups a day may be missing an additional 50 calories, the equivalent of about five pounds burn each year.
The compounds in green tea called polyphenols help to burn fat even at rest. These polyphenols can even convert fat calories in the block. A study confirms that the combination of green tea and caffeine improved weight loss and maintenance in overweight and moderately obese.
Green tea also attack grease by an amino acid L-theanine includes call. L-theanine may reduce a calming effect on the nervous system and helps cortisol surges related to stress, a hormone related storage fat, especially around the abdomen.
green tea antioxidants to fight against disease
Green tea is not fermented, is fermented to black tea. Since fermentation, the content of polyphenol content decreased caffeine rose, green tea has more polyphenols and less caffeine than black tea.
healthy properties of green tea are largely attributed to these polyphenols that have powerful antioxidant properties. bind antioxidants and free radical damage in the body, cells and neutralize DNA. Many scientists believe that free radicals contribute to the aging process as well. Free radicals occur naturally, but also cause environmental toxins, such as radiation and cigarette smoke, harmful free radicals occur.
According to studies, the antioxidants in green tea can help with atherosclerosis and heart disease and cholesterol and triglyceride levels to fight. Several studies have shown that green and black tea both shown to help against many forms of cancer to protect. And animal studies suggest that green tea may help prevent or delay the development of type 1 diabetes.
Why real lemon makes it healthy green tea
Research at Purdue University found that adding citrus juices or vitamin C to green tea increases the amount of antioxidants for the body to absorb more than five times.
Because the real lemons lemon juice and made cold-pressed oils and fresh crystallized, it can be used in hot and cold teas with lemon juice same effect as fresh. True lemon flavor in consumer tests were fresh lemons preferably 7 to 10 times. True Lemon each set contains 25 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults
How to get the best results from green tea
Besides adding lime or lemon to increase actual antioxidant, you can also get green tea compounds that offer weight loss and other health benefits to avoid boiling water. Boil water, then let a minute or two before pouring into your tea to cool. Then very pronounced, tea 2:59 minutes to extract the maximum antioxidants.
Steep tea bags more than most health promoting compounds are released, however, the slightly bitter green tea may also increase quality. It is true that the addition of lime not only increase the availability of antioxidant tea but tart, refreshing taste will add and reduce the bitter taste.
In summer, another method is used to produce tea together in a glass or jug ​​of water and sun. Cold water is gradually warm, sweet flavor and color of the tea is released.
Green tea is not for everyone
People suffering from heart and kidney problems, stomach ulcers, mental health problems, or are pregnant or nursing should limit or avoid tea. And talk to your doctor about drinking green tea if you take any of these medicines because of possible interactions: adenosine, beta-lactam antibiotics, benzodiazepines, beta-blockers propranolol, metoprolol, drugs to thin the blood ( including aspirin), chemotherapy, clozapine. Ephedrine, lithium, inhibitors of monoamine oxidase, oral contraceptives or phenylpropanolamine.
Remember, green tea has less caffeine than black tea or coffee, but if you drink too much, can affect sleep. Caffeine intake for most people should have no more than 400 mg per day, and each cup of green tea after five minutes of more than 32 mg infusion. Caffeine.

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