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There is no royal road to slimness. You have to exercise to stay thin. It is no good exercising irregularly, you have to make it a part of your life. You must try to enjoy it. That is why fun exercises, like dancing, swimming and tennis, are good.
The excess flab may be all over the body or concentrated in one  place. Find out and do the appropriate exercise. Once you start, there will be tangible results from the second day on. Your chronic fatigue and lassitude will disappear and you will feel more energetic and alive.
Starting to exercise, though, is tough-one often has a mental block about it. You have to force yourself to start Now.

When Should You Exercise?

Most people find the start of the day the best time. It has its merits-you prime your circulation and start the day right. But there is no hard and fast rule. Do it at the time you find most convenient. Try to do it at the same time every day. Ideally, one should exercise when one is not too fatigued or under stress. Be sure not to exercise until an hour after eating. This is terribly important. 
It is not very important how many hours you exercise a day, but it is crucial to be consistent. Twenty minutes of exercise regularly everyday will give infinitely better results than frenzied hour and a half one day and no exercise at all for the next few days.

Activities like swimming and dancing take care of the overall coordinated manner during either. On the other hand, spot reduction exercises tackle specific problem areas of the body. Most of us have problems with the waist, midriff, hips and thighs and the spot reduction exercises given later help.
A word of caution, however: Avoid strain. Do not begin with misplaced enthusiasm, only to end with a wildly beating heart and a pulled tendon. Take your time. Gradually increase the number of times you do each exercise. And each day, try to be bit more exact, a bit more precise. Try not to be negative about it-wear a sexy swimsuit, put on some music and imagine yourself doing it before a TV camera.



If you are underweight and would like to put on a little padding of fat and build some strong muscles, it is best to first see a doctor. If there is a medical problem a doctor should be able to help. Often, hyperthyroidism is the cause or it may be other medical reason. But if the problem is not medical, underweight can be tackled by eating better. If you are under 25, don’t worry. Once you cross 25 you gain weight even if you will find out you are eating less. This is because the body’s metabolism changes. The body burns up fewer calories and every five years the metabolism slows some more.

There is an eating pattern to flow to gain weight. Try eating five meals a day – breakfast, a mid-day meal, lunch, a light tea and a late dinner. The first meal of the day should be eaten an hour and a half after waking up. Try to wake up at 6 a.m. Dairy products are sources of fat and are also rich in calcium and protein, which help build healthy bones and things. One should eat at least two dairy products a day. Try to have a lot of red meat like mutton throughout the week. Bananas, all kind of dry fruit and nuts should be eaten in between meals. Starchy food such as bread, rice, potatoes, Pasta and noodles should be had at each main meal because carbohydrates aid digestion and will also help you gain weight.

Green leafy vegetables such as saags are rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. They help the body to assimilate nutrition. One has to assimilate food to build up the body. Grapefruit, pineapple, papaya, cantaloupe or watermelon (if available) could be eaten at breakfast. Have any other fruit as a snack during the day.

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